New York Harbor Sport Fishing - Capt Chas Stamm




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Fishing Mexico  Cabo San Lucas "Baja"

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For 15 years I fished Cabo San Lucas in January.   I have seen the place change from a sleepy little fishing village with no paved roads and a couple of open air restaurants to one of the "Hot Spots" on the west coast.  Hotels and condos started to move in.   
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Then came the golf courses. When that happened the road from the airport became paved and moved in to four lanes.


Things change fast when there is money to be made.   Pretty soon we had our first Burger King.  Then came the Hard Rock Cafe.   Domino's Pizza popped up.  Roads became asphalt and traffic lights appeared.   There was always a nightlife but in the mid 1991's it seemed to take over. the number of bars increased by ten-fold.  Traffic jams and pollution followed.  Military police now walk the streets with M-16s.

Among all this, fishing remained great.  Striped marlin, sailfish, tuna, dorado and rooster fish were still a focal point of my interest.

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30 Pound Amberjack. What a bulldog of a fight!

Dorado get big in Cabo.  Here is a 30 pound male.


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Striped Marlin

Eyeball to eyeball with this striped marlin was the thrill of a lifetime.  I'm holding on for dear life as I removed the hook from the corner of his mouth.  What a thrill!

Best day:  11 Marlin boated between two anglers


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Yellowfin Tuna!

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Bull Dorado!


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Yellowfin Tuna

These Tuna were caught using a Mexican Panga fishing boat.   A 22-24 foot open boat with a 55HP outboard motor. Caught my first marlin using one of these small boats. Quite efficient and really gets you close to the fish.

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Charter Captains I would Recommend